
To Drive the Cold Winter Away CD (Silverwood Quartet)

$ 19.95 $ 11.97


  • Andra Bohnet, flutes, celtic harp
  • Tom Morley, violin
  • Jonathan Clark, viola
  • Barbara Gabriel, cello



1. Gaudete!
2. The Wishing Tree - Séamus McGuire
3. - 8. Christmas Concerto - Corelli
9. Gesù Bambino - Pietro Yon
10. March of the Dreoilin 
11. The Mummer's Dance - Loreena McKennitt
12. Taladh Chriosda (Christ Child Lullaby)
13. - 15. Concerto in F minor, Op. 8, No. 4 "Winter"  Antonio Vivaldi
16. To Drive the Cold Winter Away
17. - 22. Hear Ye Newes Today - Brian Joyce

Bonus Tracks - Newly recorded versions of Silverwood favorites
23. Veni Emmanuel
24. Greensleeves
25. Jesus Ahatonhia
26. Noel Nouvelet/Le Sommeil de l'enfant Jesus/The Kings Travel East